The Associates in Biblical Studies is a Level 2 course that primarily focuses on New Testament classes including: the Synoptic Gospels, the Book of Acts, and the Book of Romans. You would also take the Pastoral Epistles and the General Epistles – classes that are New Testament teachings. Bethel Bible Institute will publish a current list of available classes prior to the upcoming semester. These classes will enable you to earn the 30 credits required for an Associates Degree and move into Level 3 classes.
What You Will Learn
Students enrolled in Bethel Bible Institute's Associates Degree Program will continue to follow our systematic approach to studying God's Word.
Students will take a deep dive into the New and Old Testament Books; learning how each relates to the other. We will continue to build a solid foundation that enables students to rightly divide the Word of Truth.
Students graduating with an Associates Degree will possess a more thorough understanding of how to use the most up-to-date research tools available to help them to research and interpret scripture.
This degree is applicable in any career field, but it is specially designed for careers in church and ministries emphasizing: Leadership; Preaching; Teaching; Clergy; Education; Local ministries; and Missions.
As we sit here tonight the state of California is burning and it's on fire. Many people have left their homes and just before we started this orientation, I was listening to the news saying that many of their hydrants don't work. It’s the signs of the last days. Jesus said when you see these things to look up. Wars and rumors of wars. When we study the Book of Revelation, we’ll begin to understand what end times are about and where the second coming of Christ comes in.
Many Christians who have been saved for years struggle with the knowledge of who they are. They mimic other Christians right or wrong, but they're mimicking them because that's their idea of what holiness is or that's their idea of what Christianity is. We need to know who we are and whose we are. The bottom line is we need to know who this being is that we serve and the only way we're going to be able to serve Him and serve Him the way He deserves to be served, is to learn of Him. The Word of God uses common things of this earth such and prolific internal truths about who we are as Christians. Christ is known as a shepherd - shepherd of the flock. He is known as the Good Shepherd, the great shepherd, and the chief shepherd. Look at all three aspects and see how that affects our Christian walk from three different perspectives. It is my endeavor to teach students what a Christian is. If you learn what a Christian is, you'll know how to work, you'll know how to cooperate, you'll know how to live, you'll know how to dress right. By dress I'm not talking about general attire, I'm talking about your spiritual attire. You'll know how to put on the armor of God. You're going to know how to use the right words when you're ministering salvation to somebody else, you’ll learn how to live so that it pleases God because our whole makeup is all about pleasing God.
The Book of Acts gives us the beginning and establishment of the Christian Church. We talk about the Holy Spirit and how the audience reacted to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We will touch on how the churches respond today about being filled with the Holy Spirit. We introduce the messengers and non-personality and roles in acts that spread the gospel of Jesus Christ , focusing on the ministry of Peter, Paul, Barnabas and the stoning of Stephen.