Our Bachelor's In Ministry Program is a Fourth Level Track offering higher education courses. This track is designed for those who are aspiring to become preachers, teachers, and ministers; and for lay persons that are looking to augment their Christian education.
Students who participate in this track, will take a deep dive into the Word of God. The program will elevate their theological knowledge, and build character for everyday Christian living and Christian service.
What You Will Learn

The Letter to the Ephesians is loaded with such valuable information not just on who we are or our position in Christ, but the responsibilities we have as Christians. Sometimes we take those responsibilities for granted; we just want from God what God is supposed to do for us. but we have a responsibility to God as well. – how we're supposed to live. Ephesians was not written to correct specific errors in the local church, but it was to prevent problems in the church as a whole by encouraging the body of Christ to maturity and that's basically what the book is about – teaching us how to mature in Christ. We'll find those two words throughout the entire letter to the Ephesians. It also discusses the difference between spiritual gifts and ministry gifts and if you didn't know the difference, then you definitely need to be in this class. We're going to look at spiritual warfare. Paul is basically talking about the armor of God, the helmet, the shield and all of the other armor that we need to put on. What do they really mean? What do we do with them? We use them in warfare.
We will survey the major and minor prophets of the Old Testament and we will be examining the lives and ministries of those prophets, the environment in which they ministered and the impact of their message on the people they ministered to. Did the people respond to the prophet’s message? How did they respond? Not only will we be looking at the Old Testament prophets, we will also want to examine the roles of the New Testament prophets. Is the prophetic ministry for the church today? Did the office of the prophet cease with the passing of the apostles? What do you think? We’ll discuss the gifts and functions of the prophet In today’s church and decide on that question. So we will be examining both the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament prophets.
This course will examine the 9 elements of the fruit of the spirit. How much fruit do you want in your life? Do you want faithfulness – the foundation of true friendship? Do you want gentleness -- the strength of being gentle which is not weakness? Do you want patience, one aspect of which is perseverance – a long obedience in the same direction? Is your love for God, reflected in your love for others, evident in building lasting relationships with God's family – love that forgives, that loves your neighbor? Is your love for God leading to temperance and self-control – controlling one's tongue, controlling one's appetite, and controlling one's finances. Christ desires that each of us reflects His character in every facet of our lives. This manifestation occurs as each one of us surrenders, following His spirit to transform our character, progressively becoming more like Christ. As a result collectively we the body Christ will reflect His character to the world. During this semester we will consider the necessity for the development of the fruit of the spirit in our lives, how each element should impact each individual's life, and how the fruit of the spirit can revolutionize the corporate body of Christ.