


schoolOur Bachelor's In Ministry Program is a Fourth Level Track offering higher education courses. This track is designed for those who are aspiring to become preachers, teachers, and ministers; and for lay persons that are looking to augment their Christian education.
Students who participate in this track, will take a deep dive into the Word of God. The program will elevate their theological knowledge, and build character for everyday Christian living and Christian service.


What You Will Learn

 Prepares you for ministry roles, as well as seminary or graduate studies. 
Study historical and theological developments in Christianity.
 Learn methods to help you study and teach the Bible more effectively.






Church Administration
Church Planting
Human Services
Ministerial Teacher
Missions Work
Religious Education
Youth Ministry






Textbook: The Message of Matthew by Michael Green

The book of Matthew is the first synoptic Gospel in the New Testament and is commonly referred to as the teaching Gospel reading. You will notice that it speaks of what Jesus said versus what Jesus did. For example we are familiar with the beatitudes that are recorded in chapter 5:3-10; but there are other themes Jesus presented in that sermon on the mount which will be part of our studies. This teaching Gospel is put together in a five-section format, enabling the book to be used as a teaching tool for the 21st Century church just as it was for the new Jewish believers and the church in its infancy.

A few topics that we will focus on and investigate during this semester are: the Lordship of Jesus Christ, Jesus as King, the Kingdom of Heaven, the principles of the Kingdom; under that category is true righteousness, true worship, true judgment, the standards of discipleship, the church and the Lord's coming.

CULTS AND OCCULTS - Instructor's overview pending.


Textbooks: King James Bible, The Ultimate Priority by John MacArthur, and Songs to Live By by Ken Chant

To take the court from the author, authentic worship is not a narrowly defined activity relegated to the Sunday morning church service or restricted to any single time and place. For that matter, worship is an essential expression of service rendered unto God by a soul who loves and extols him for who he is. Real worship therefore shall be the full time non-stop activity of every believer; and the aim of the exercise ought to be to please God, not merely entertain worshippers.

Thanksgiving, praise and worship are vital for the New Testament Christian. Worship is dynamically illustrated and taught in this course with an emphasis on who we worship and why it needs to be maintained throughout our lives. We will take a dive back into history to its origin and come up to the present to discover the importance of worship and praise; not just from the musical vocals by which we sing but, more importantly, why worship, praise and thanksgiving should come from the depths of the heart. t