

cef youth
This diploma is awarded to students who complete 90 credits/10 courses in the Third Level Track. It is designed to give students aspiring to the Ministry the tools necessary to not only rightly divide the Word of Truth; but to impart the same to others whether it be one-on-one, a class setting, a pulpit or any other ministerial challenge that is set before them. Besides learning how to interpret the scripture, students will learn how to write sermons, etc.

What You Will Learn


Students will engage in a broad spectrum of Christian doctrine and be prepared to recognize, understand and communicate with others who practice various other religions, doctrines and lifestyles.

In these ever-changing times, students pursuing this degree will always be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within them.

Upon receiving this degree, each student is expected to be able to conduct biblical research, know how to properly interpret the scriptures, and how to write sermons.


careerIt is designed to give students aspiring to the Ministry the tools necessary to not only rightly divide the Word of Truth; but to impart the same to others whether it be one-on-one, a class setting, a pulpit or any other ministerial challenge that is set before them.

You can begin or continue spiritual leadership in ministry wherever God calls you. You will think biblically and theologically about your surroundings and how you do ministry.
      • Serve your community with your skills to lead, counsel, and disciple others;
      • Serve as Children’s & Youth Leaders, Worship Leader, and Bible Study Leaders;
      • Participate in Missions Work, visiting the elderly, sick and shuti n;
      • Visit those who are in jail.




Textbooks: The King James and The Nnew King James Versions of the Bible and the supplemental textbook is Immortality by Lorraine Boettner

How many of you can hold your hand over a match or a candle for more than 5 minutes? No. Then you were not designed for hell and so you need to learn more about this place that is talked about in the scripture because there are many different views that people hold about hell. Also this word is often just casually used in many of our expressions and it reveals what we think about hell and what others think about what will happen for their eternal or their everlasting punishment.

This course is going to look at the many different views of hell and what some of those views are. There's a literal view that the teachings of hell or the everlasting punishment in the Bible are literal. There's a metaphorical view that those conditions in the Bible are not literal, but they just are a picture of something else. There's also a purgatorial view and many believe that there's a place between heaven and hell where those that die go to and then they're moved from there to heaven; and then there are those that believe that there is no hell at all. Also there are those that believe that hell is really not that bad. You've heard people casually say that they're gonna party and how they're gonna live it up and how and their belief is that it's really not that bad. There are also those that believe that there is a set time for hell and it is not for eternity, it is only for a short time of punishment.  There's another view called universal universalism and that is the belief that those that are unsaved, are tortured temporarily and cleansed, and then they are accepted into heaven. Also there are many people that believe that Satan rules in hell and fire and darkness and that the punishment for everyone in hell will be the same. So if you have any questions about what will happen to those after the judgment, what will be the eternal state or the everlasting state for those who are unsaved, I would encourage you to take this course. It will be eye-opening for you. it will give you a deeper understanding of what Jesus taught about the place of everlasting punishment. 

As for the outcomes for the class, once you take this class, it is my desire that you have a deeper gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, you would have a better understanding of God's justice, and wrath; and his great love -- sparing us from the just punishment that we are due. I want to urge you with this class to spread the Gospel the good news of the Gospel so that people can fully understand that being saved, is being saved from the wrath of God that will come upon each and every person who does not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. I also want to equip you to be able to share with others what the scriptures teach about hell.


What is eschatology? What does that mean? it simply means the study of last things – the last things being the God-ordained events that must soon take place and will impact and shape the spiritual and natural world. Our study focus will primarily be on the rapture. Why the rapture? Because it is the next major event on God's calendar and the most important event for the church. This sudden snatching away involves the church and only the church. We will stand before Christ at the bema to be rewarded for services rendered. The study then takes us to the tribulation -– the most horrific years the world has ever or will ever know. It is of this that Christ said if he didn't return and end it, there would be no one left alive on the earth. We will discuss the personages and roles of the Antichrist and the false prophet. As the rapture is exclusively for the church, the tribulation Is dedicated to the judgment of the Jewish nation and every individual who has rejected Christ.

Also in this course of study, we will discuss Armageddon and the return of Christ, and the binding of Satan. Finally we will learn about the millennial reign of Christ, the final and eternal punishment of the great white throne judgment, and the lake of fire. If you need a better understanding of the things I just mentioned, take the class. Every believer, in fact every non believer, needs to be a part of this study. If you have any doubts or uncertainties about where you will spend eternity and what all of this means to you, take this class.


Faith in action is the course that will expose your level of faith because you can only manage what you measure. if you don't know the measure of your faith, you can't grow in your faith. if you don't know the measure of your health, you can't develop and grow in health. if you don't know the measure of where you are financially, you can't say those financially. if you don't know the measure of where you are spiritually or vocationally or relationally then you can't grow in these areas. You can only manage what you can measure. Faith is not a blind leap into the dark, it is not a supposition, it is not speculation, it is not an opinion or a hypothesis.


The textbook for this course is The Great Doctrines of the Bible by William Evansn

In this class we will explore in depth the Doctrine of Christ and the Holy Spirit. We will visit the functionality of these persons, explore the functional relationship between Christ and the Holy Spirit, and understand the divine purpose of Christ and the Holy Spirit to save mankind and establish a loving relationship with the creator. The importance of this teaching is to build the Christian faith, cultivate a strong framework, and to open the door to tremendous truths for everyone. Who is Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit? What are the roles of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit? When and where we can witness them in operation and their importance? Why is it critical to the Christian to obtain knowledge of Christ and the Holy Spirit and how Christ and the Holy Spirit work independently yet in unity to accomplish.