Our Policies


  1. The faculty and administration is responsible to assist you, the student to maintain a God-ordained level of study in a safe and Christian environment. In order the very best to come from this endeavor, the student must realize his or her responsibilities as an enrollee at Bethel Bible Institute.
  2. Know and learn the goals of Bethel Bible Institute. Learn the rules as outlined in this catalog. Please follow the goals and obey the rules.
  3. Attend classes on time and follow the directives of your instructor. 
  4. Tuition is to be paid in full at registration.
  5. Students who wish to receive their final exams by mail may submit a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) to their instructor at the time of the final exam. Be sure topolicies write your name and address, and include the instructor's name in the BBI's return address portion. Two first class postage stamps should be ample for delivery. Envelopes returned to BBI, due to insufficient postage, will be placed in the Student's Paper File. You may call the office to pick it up at your convenience. BBI cannot accept responsibility for items lost in the mail.
  6. If, after registering, you decide not to attend classes [for any reason, or due to illness], you must submit an Add/Drop form to the Registrar. Absences of three successive times will be reported to the Registrar's Office by your instructor. However, if you dropped the class it is your responsibility to submit the Add/Drop form. Non-attendance of classes does not constitute an official withdrawal. (See refund rate on the financial page). There will be no exceptions to this rule.
  7. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to contact your Tuesday class instructor and make arrangements to rectify your assignments and exams. The Office will not be able to give you such information. It is your responsibility.
  8. During inclement weather you may call the office, during normal hours, or after hours, to determine whether or not school will be closed. After hours please allow the telephone to ring long enough for the voice mail to pick up. You will receive a message regarding the closing of the Institute. It is not necessary, nor is it advisable, to call teachers or staff for this information.
  9. Students are responsible for maintaining credit balances and for knowing what subjects they have taken to determine which courses they can register for each semester.
  10. Students are not allowed to receive syllabi from the office. All syllabi must come from the instructors. It is advised that textbooks be purchased after attending the first class.




Egraduate2024ach student is responsible for applying for graduation to receive credit or diploma (please see section on Graduation). Graduation or certification is not automatic. A Graduate or Certificate Application is available at registration, and also may be obtained through the Office of the Registrar. The deadline for submitting the Graduation Application is the 14th of March.

NOTE: All students enrolled in a non-year certificate program are mandated to attend the Graduation ceremony at the end of the school year. Only at Graduation will certificates of completion be awarded.





Systematic Course of Study


We encourage all students to follow the prescribed systematic course of study. The curriculum has been designed to give the student a firm foundation course of study in the elementary foundations of the Christian faith, and biblical comprehension. 

  1. Most courses offered are predicated upon previous Bible comprehension. Therefore, every student should follow the curriculum as prescribed in this catalog.
  2. Comprehensive Bible Exam: A thorough comprehensive exam based upon the foundational courses, and general Bible knowledge. Students desiring to enter BBI at an advanced level must pass the exam.
  3. Chapel: All students are required to attend chapel services when scheduled. Students in the chapel service are to come prepared and appropriately dressed. "And whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him." (Col. 3:17: Amplified Bible)
  4. Reference Library: The BBI reference Library, located on the second floor of the BBI headquarters, will be available to students during the regular business hours: Monday through Friday 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and when classes are in session (except during times when a class may occupy the facility). Please be advised that none of the resource materials may be removed from the library. They are strictly for reference use only and not to be defaced in any way with personal notes, marking,highlighting, dog-earring, etc.


Policy Making Board

Dr. Roderick R. Caesar, President
Reverend Odette Wills, Chairperson
Reverend Jacqueline Burton
Pastor Beverly Caesar-Sherrod
Sola Moniz
Reverend Yvette Rowe